Sunday, 13 January 2008

weekend of crafting

amigurumi matryoska dolls, originally uploaded by mooseandbear.

If anyone reads this, they will know that I love starting a project, and hate finishing. I have done numerous personality quizes are work which tell me this, but nothing provides more evidence that my work in progress bag, which is always filled with small parts of crocheted things to be. This afternoon I sat and sewed together a couple of things, including finishing off this set of three russian dolls. They had been sitting in my work in progress bag for, well, before Christmas. Yes, that's bad. I saw them in a Japanese crochet book, but the pattern that was there didn't work out, and I had to rethink it myself. Very simple, but gorgeously effective. They are now on sale on Etsy as of about ten minutes ago.

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