Saturday 23 February 2008

bad days all around

It looks like everyone was having a bad day today. Something blew up on the Etsy servers today, and everyone's view counters are shot. I guess it doesn't really mean very much in the long run, but right now my shop looks very lonely and unloved with everything at 1 or 2. Bless! I guess I could do some mad promoting to get views in, but it will even itself out over the next day or so. I did some myspace promoting today that might bring some more people in, for a start. And on my end, I spent last night making some really cool felt whales that I was going to turn into magnets, apart from my bag of 50 magnets completely disappeared. The last time we saw them, my boyfriend was complaining that they weren't candy, and then, well, we don't know. They have vanished. We have turned the flat upside down, and they are nowhere to be seen. Very random. I've ordered more, but in the meantime, no shop updates! I am working on a bright blue octo to join George in the store - I can't wait to take pictures of them together, because that is going to be so cute!!

On a side note, I saw Juno, and it is sooooooo awesome!! I wish I as that cool as a teenager. Well, without the whole pregnancy thing, of course. I'm not even ready for babies now.

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